Project Inquiry Guide:
* Overall project guiding idea statement. This inquiry statement should identifies an inquiry that guides the sustained investigation and your visual evidence demonstrates the sustained investigation. Also keep in mind, how your topic might be viewed from other points of view. Such as from the perspective of cultural/social, economic, scientific/environmental, or political/historic. You should consider each of these perspectives to find your path.
* After thinking about your overall message, what are a few directions you can take this portfolio that you had not thought of before?
* Which of the above perspectives do you know the least about? What do you need to learn about to explore your ideas from this point of view?
* List what ideas you now are excited about exploring?
* Share your ideas and inquiry questions with a fellow AP art students. Ask them for ideas for how to expand your inquiry.
* Consider primary and secondary subjects for your inquiry. This will help guide you to your sustained investigation practice items. Make sure you notes how these works relate to one another. In the below are examples primary subjects are in yellow and secondary subjects are in purple:
How do Photographs change our perceptions of our past over time?
What are the effects of mental health on one's physical body?
How do children's fairytale stories relate to the real world?
* Looking at the works your have created thus far, reflect upon what messages they and telling and how they are communicating that message? What particular images are helping tell your ideas? How do they connect to your overall inquiry?
Further your inquiry discussion should show your knowledge to different media and how you experimentation to achieve your desired results. Discuss how your choice of media and composition help to convey your message.