A written evaluation of your work will be due in your sketchbook at time of critique.
Is there a predominant color or at least a warm or cool emphasis?
Is there too much sameness of color?
Not enough color change or interest?
Do the colors fight?
Would neutral grays set off the colors better than compliments?
Are the colors interesting or cliches?
Are the values easily read?
Can shapes be distinguished because they vary in value from adjoining shapes?
Are the light and dark values patterns pleasing?
Do they allow or encourage you to look at the important parts of the painting and move through it logically?
Are they too strong, overpowering the subject or subtleties, or too weak?
Are there too many or too few?
Is there a predominant pattern of shapes?
Curvilinear, Angular, Straight? (Are lines diagonal, vertical or horizontal)
Do the shapes work well with the shape of the paper, or picture plane being used?
Are the shapes simple and straightforward, with interest within?
Is it interesting and worth doing?
Does the viewer know where to look? (Is there a center of interest?)
Does the strongest point of interest have enough contrast in value and color?
Is it dramatically placed?
Are there large areas and smaller ones, rest areas and areas of detail and excitement?
Is the subject scaled correctly for the paper size?
Is the line Varied? (thick, thin, light, dark)
Is line used as value? (crosshatch, parallel, scribble)
Is it used to describe the object, outline it or shade it?
Self Analysis:
This is a key component to the process of creative expression.