Visual Thinking:
During this year long course students will gain experience in:
~Determining Importance
~Developing Sensory Imagery
~Building and activating schema
~Making complex observations
~Considering a range of perspectives
~Generating new ideas
~Speculative thinking
~Drawing conclusions

Education & Credentials
~BA, Visual Arts 2018 Eckerd College, Saint Petersburg Florida
~Unheard Voices Installation Art Show March 2017
~MA, Reading Education, (Visual Literacy) 2010 - University of South Florida, Sarasota, Florida
~BA, Human Development, Major: Social Work.
Minor: Art, 1994 - Eckerd College, Saint Petersburg Florida
Teaching Philosophy:
Gathering and respecting ideas from these pioneers in education, I created a curriculum that concurs with Rousseau philosophy of a child centered setting where inquiry based projects are given. Children are naturally curious and desire to learn, thus they will be given the choice of projects designed utilizing an exploration of media and self.
Students will learn to see as an artist via the active act of cognition instruction. Further, we will be taking from Kant’s idea that individuals view and interpret the world through their own unique lens. Creating art allows for expression of their vision.
Dewey makes a strong case for the importance of education not only as a place to gain content knowledge, but also as a place to learn how to live. In his eyes, the purpose of education should not revolve around the acquisition of a pre-determined set of skills, but rather the realization of one’s full potential and the ability to use those skills for the greater good in society. This arts curriculum will be presented in such a manner that the students will be encouraged to relate information to prior experiences and look towards dreaming of a better world.
My role is that of a facilitator and partner in the learning process. The primary goal is for students to gain a passion for exploration and independently discover meaning in their own art.
Gardner’s five minds for the future:
The Disciplined Mind
The Creating Mind
The Synthesizing Mind
The Respectful Mind
The Ethical Mind
“One cannot begin to develop an educational system unless one has in mind the knowledge and skills that one values and a vision of the kind of individuals one hopes will emerge at the end of the day.”
Howard Gardner
Teaching art is basically teaching children how to see the world differently. Often teachers want to classify some children as just possessing a natural talent for art. However, if we dig deeper these skills are a window on how these children are utilizing their whole brain. This ability transcends art and gives the students a leg up in all academic endeavors.