Unit 1
Art and You ~ Introduction:
Interdisciplinary Subjects: Language Arts
Prior learning connection:
This lesson is the first in a year long 2 D studio art course. We are setting the stage for studying the arts through the time line of art history. Thus giving the students have a background knowledge they will need for this year and beyond.
Unit Overview:
In this lesson students will explore what it implies to create. The urge to make art is as old as humanity itself. Students will identify the purposes of art. We will explore the sources artists turn for inspiration. Further objectives are to introduce the elements of art and how artists use these to create their work.
Unit Summary:
Arts is communication. An art work is the visual expression of an idea or experience. There are many forms of visual art from drawing, paintings, sculpture, photography, commercial designs, video, and computer arts. Students will experience the first one many lessons on learning to perceive. People in every culture find ways to express their beliefs, rituals, and ideas.
Click on this podium icon for a link to the slides to use with students.
Perceive: A method for representing three-dimensional surface
Artists: are creative individuals who use imagination and skill to communicate in visual form.
Symbol: Something that stands for or represents something else.
Elements of Art: Line, Shape, Form, Space and Color
Principles of Design: Rhythm, Movement, Pattern, Balance, Proportion, Variety, Emphasis, and Harmony.
Subject: The image views can easily identify in a work of art.
Non-Object: Art that has no recognizable subject matter.
Composition: The way the principles of art are used to organize the elements of art.
Content: The message the work communicates.
Credit Line: A list of important facts about a work of art.
Medium: The material used to make art.
Art is about communication of individual ideas.
Curriculum Framing Questions
Essential Question:
What is Art?
Focus/Guiding Questions:
What does it mean to perceive?
What are the visual Arts?
Foundation Question:
Why study art?
Student Learning Objectives for Lesson:
Identify the purposes of art.
Understand the Visual Thinking Stages:
1. assentive
2. constructive
3. classifying
4. Interpretive
5. recreative
Student Learning Goals:
Students will realize the sources of ideas that arts might use for inspiration. Create visual solutions by using direct observations.
Reading a Painting
Edvard Munch
The Sick Child 1907
Inquiry Question: Quickly identify shapes. Do not worry about making perfect, this should NOT look like finished piece. Record shapes & tones. Using Edward Munch's The Sick Child, 1907. Model creating a quick sketch capturing the contour lines and color values. Next in sketchbook students will write a short paragraph imagining you we're in this room. What sights, sounds, and smells might you experience?
Lastly the Feldman Model of Art Critique, students will record in the sketchbook Description, Analysis, Interpretation, and Judgement.
* Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
* Apply art knowledge and contextual information to analyze how content and ideas are used in works of art.
* Describe the significance of major artists, architects, or masterworks to understand their historical influences.
* Interpret and reflect on cultural and historical events to create art.
Targeted ESE Standards:
* Demonstrate comprehension and use of the system that combines language components in functional and socially appropriate communication across educational settings.
* Discuss how the arts help students develop self-reliance and promote collaboration to strengthen leadership capabilities as priorities change.
C-Palms Florida Standards
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Targeted CaliforniaVAPA
Prof. VA: Cr 1.1 Creativity and innovative thinking are essential life skills that can be developed.
Anchor standard: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
Prof. VA: Pr5: Artists, curators, and others consider a variety of factors and methods including evolving technologies when preparing and refining artwork for display, and when deciding if and how to preserve and protect it.
Anchor standard: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work fro presentation - Elements of art poster
Prof. VA:Re 7.1: Select and describe works of art that illustrate daily life experiences of one’s self and others.
Anchor standard:Perceive and analyze artistic work. Read a Painting: The Sick Child by Edvard Munch
Targeted National Standards:
VA: Cn11.1 Describe how knowledge of culture, traditions, and history may influence personal responses to art.
Targeted ESE Standards:
Demonstrate comprehension and use of the system that combines language components in functional and socially appropriate communication across educational settings.
Discuss how the arts help students develop self-reliance and promote collaboration to strengthen leadership capabilities as priorities change.
National Standards and Benchmarks:
Enduring Understanding: Creativity and Innovative thinking are essential life skills that can be developed.
Essential Questions: What conditions, attitudes, and behaviors support creativity and innovative thinking?
What factors prevent or encourage people to take creative risks? How does collaboration expand the
creative process?
Through experimentation, practice, and
persistence, demonstrate
acquisition of skills and knowledge in a chosen art
Unit assessments
Formative Assessment:
Individual conferences and sketchbook check.
Daily Jumpstart practices.
Individual conferences and sketchbook check. Modeling artistic behavior by painting under the document camera as students explore their own mind map and elements of art poster. Students are encouraged to approach instructor with any questions.
Summative Assessment:
Reading of The Sick Child
Unit Project: related to National Standards of Art:
Making connections between visual arts and other disciplines
Poster illustrating the elements of art.
Doodle a full page of visual thinking.
Create a mind map page about yourself, using the criteria from the student survey.